Many of them moving from Java to Python get confused with the way Python string immutability work. I have put down a compilation of different example I found to help you understand the same.

The variable a is pointing at the object “Dog”. It’s best to think of the variable in Python as a tag. You can move the tag to different objects which is what you did when you changed a = "dog" to a = "dog eats treats".


a = "Dog" 
b = "eats"
c = "treats"
print a, b, c
# Dog eats treats
print a + " " + b + " " + c
# Dog eats treats
print a
# Dog
a = a + " " + b + " " + c
print a
# Dog eats treats
# !!!

Question: Shouldn’t python prevented the assignment?

The variable a is pointing at the object “Dog”. It’s best to think of the variable in Python as a tag. You can move the tag to different objects which is what you did when you changed a = "dog" to a = "dog eats treats".

However, immutability refers to the object, not the tag.

If you tried a[1] = 'z' to make "dog" into "dzg", you would get the error:

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment"

because strings don’t support item assignment, thus they are immutable.